But first a thank you!

A milestone moment in the history of Corstorphine Athletic Club passed in April when both president, Bryan Clark, and vice president, Keith Hood, stood down after holding these positions during a golden decade for the club. During that time the club has grown it membership handsomely and has enjoyed new levels of success in cross country and track and field across age groups. Their passion to see Corstorphine thrive and, oftentimes, selfless commitment has no doubt played a significant part in that success.

Bryan often said how important the club is to him and what a privilege it was to be president. As a member from a young age, he always carried out his duties with the drive of someone determined to give something back. I thought he might be first the president to end their reign running faster than when they started but sadly injury took over and that title remains unfilled. I believe it will be his raw passion for the sport and the club that will best characterise his years as ‘el presidente’.

Keith may be one of longest serving committee members that Corstorphine AAC has had, having been vice president with the previous presidency. Keith’s considered opinion and years of experience made his a trusted voice at committee meetings.

On behalf of all club members I would thank Bryan and Keith for their long service in shaping the club that we have today.

It’s reassuring to know that the incumbent president, David Arnott, and vice president, Megan Smith, have a great deal of experience between them. David has had a pivotal role in transforming participation and performance in junior age groups, and can no doubt draw on his own excellent ability as a top athlete in the past (maybe future? that title of most improved president still remains). Megan has been a familiar and friendly face in the club for many years and a former club captain who’s always willing to help out. I personally am looking forward to the next stage in the history of Corstorphine AAC which looks very promising.

Vice-President Megan

One thought on “Meet our new president and vice president

  1. Congratulations to David and Megan in their appointment as President and vice-President. With all the changes over the last 9 years, I look forward to the next generation of the CAAC family taking the club to new heights of achievements. With the new-look web site and other things, it looks like we have many new things to come. Hopefully I can be part of it, in some way.

    I would also like to say a big thanks to the commitment BC and Keith have given the club over the past many years. Retired from top job, but I am sure we will still see their involvement in many things.

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